Sunday, January 30, 2011

Find your guiding inspiration.

I have learned that we must accept our lives on the path which they are and come to terms with the fact we, ourselves only are in control of which path our lives will take. We are provided with endless choices, opportunities, setbacks and walls that effect what it is we decide, but inevitably, we must take hold of our own strengths and powers and use the gifts and talents we were given combined with the opportunities we have and push through the setbacks to appreciate that we only have this moment, not yesterday or tomorrow, not before or in an hour, this day, this minute, because if we let this minute pass us by, we may have lost an opportunity which may in fact put us on a different path. I believe that we create our own setbacks in life; it is understandable that incidences occur with are out of our control, I am in no way suggesting that we have the ability to control what happens to and around us; we do however control our attitude towards these particular incidences.

Our attitude is what drives us to further face our path or to deny its presence. Either way attitude is something which we should be conscious of when dealing with everyday occurrences. It is a power that we have ever ounce on authority over, we will feel as though our world is coming crashing down on us and nothing worse could happen; but it is how we approach each incident as a learning curve or an opportunity to grow emotionally and spiritually. We then discover our own drive and purpose and it is at that moment that we realize what a fabulous opportunity we are given as an individual; to live.There is no one path that will fulfil all of my and other's desires: there rarely is in this life I think, life is not black and white, it is a complex texture of infinite shades, colours and sparkles.

I was once told, “You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude to what happens toyou, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.” In this statement, we find a truth we had never yet questioned. We usually allow ourselves to be mastered by our emotions, actions or what may happen to us; but we never allow ourselves to be mastered by how we react to what is happening to us. If we focused on the moment we are currently living in instead of looking back into the past or where we are heading, we wouldn’t have to be anxious nor distressed. I was once advised that living in the moment (being mindful) is the key to balance. If we are permanently looking into our past, whether it be yesterday or last year, we are causing misery, worry or regret in turn creating a sense of depression. Looking forward, being concerned about our future and where it is that we are going is creating anxiety for ourselves. However, if we live in the present, we are enabling a mindful sense of control over our lives. Whether it be to merely observe a noise, smell or visual of something around you; the sound of a ticking clock for example, the smell of the grass after it has just rained, something that will remind you that you are in fact living in this particular moment. Perhaps that will give you a further sense of purpose and perspective. Allow yourself to experience the moment, however simple or challenging it may be and move through the experience without reacting to how you may be feeling. This usually works during the time when there is added confusion or doubt about where your path is taking you, or more so where you are taking it.

I have always feared that through time; I would lose my sparkle, that I would be changed in some way. But I then realize, we all change, it is just how we change and our attitude towards change.Change, such an imperative topic. We either love it or hate it or deny its presence. The less self assured one is, the less optimistic one is, then the greater the fear of change. Yet change is one thing that we can be sure will happen. If there was no change in the world, in life, it would cease to exist as life. Change will always happen. Time's arrow of increasing entropy lies before us stark and inescapable and all actions we take are but temporary attempts at local order. Some change will crush us to our knees in searing stabbing pain and deep dark despair; some will have us sobbing with ecstasy in pure perfect pleasure. The standard psycho babble talks much about change and the denial-anger-acceptance cycle. I am not sure I buy into that but I do know that I have learnt not to be afraid of change but to embrace it.

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