Sunday, January 30, 2011

Don't judge, just live, love and enjoy!

Well, all back at uni for a fresh new semester. There is always something exciting and fresh about a new semester. I think it's because I like to take every opportunity that is handed to me to create a fresh start in one way or another. With a new start comes new goals, opportunities, experiences, beliefs and declarations. I like to take every chance I have to improve in the moment as best I can. The past month or so has been rather eventful for me. I have finally made a great group of new friends at Uni who are much like me and are very similar in our appreciation for what we intend to further our studies in whilst attaining a great hunger to learn, our aspirations and ambitions are much the same and they are an enjoyable group of positive people who I love to surround myself with.
As well as loving the life of a student more and more, I have a rather busy few weeks ahead of me with other aspects of life's niceties. Next Saturday night is the Bond University Student Ball which is very exciting and I recently decided on a dress which is tres cutesy. Also, I have a number of events planned for my birthday celebrations which are coming up. I love that my birthday is placed in the Spring time. la la la. There are also a couple of birthday parties for my close friends to come.

I have recently discovered an appreciation for living life in its present moment. I have learned to do this from removing all forms of judgement from what I may be experiencing at a particular moment. In correspondence to allowing myself to believe that an experience is either good or bad, positive or negative, I merely acknowledge its being. Doing this I am able to understand that what exactly I am feeling in that particular moment is helpful in some way and serves a purpose of its own instead of contemplating how it should be, or what should be happening but isn't. Things don't always happen how they are suppose to, they aren't suppose to otherwise we wouldn't learn how to come with the wirly winds that life provides us. For me, this was incredibly hard to accept being a totally obnoxious control freak I held that everything was in my power if I allowed it to be based upon my persistence and levels of control, painfully so. This prophecy to me was, and still to some extent still is my ultimate reality and without it, everything would turn to utter chaos filled psychobabble. Ickkk. however, the process of adapting a more mindful state of mind is something that is important to me. This is more so allowing instead of resisting what is currently going on around you or for you.

Ways in which you can get more in touch with your thoughts and feelings lies in your behaviour. Take exercise as an excellent example. Your going for a long run around the country side. You have your Ipod pumping through your head, your thinking about a deadline you have tomorrow, your worrying, so much so that wrinkle are already forming. Suddenly, you trip over a rock and fell to the ground. Your cursing in your head, how did that happen, now the rest of my run will not be as effective ect. If instead of thinking about the past or the future, you were observing your beautiful, natural surroundings, possibly watching your feet as they hit the soft deep dirt, smelling the freshly cut grass, observing your surroundings for the natural magnificence it is then maybe, you would have noticed the large rock coming up in the middle of your tracks. Your behaviour and day to day activities is a perfect way to adapt a more adapting and mindful way of embracing the 'now', this moment. You will really notice the difference whilst just observing that around you and analysing its mere being, its presence, life. its yours, nobody else's appreciate it and love it.

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