Sunday, January 30, 2011

normal Days

I am feeling incredibly disappointed as to how I am allowing myself to be overwhelmed with how busy my life is becoming. I am allowing myself to rush around missing what is really going on. I expect people to grasp and follow my hunger for life and all it brings with it with a vigorous attitude, however, I have not stopped to notice my surroundings myself. In turn, I cannot expect anyone else to do so. I am getting to caught up in the importance of the future and dwelling on yesterday when really I should be focusing on what is surrounding me. The beauty and treasures that are the unexpected niceties that life hands us. Amongst making plans and all the chaos, we must remember to surround ourselves with the love and light of those who we love and who love us in return. Act kind and graciously to even a complete stranger because it is purely in our nature and to ooze our sparkle for the world to watch is awe as we shine from our soul all the way out. It is hard to decipher the baffling amount of things we miss whilst in the midst of our day to day plans. Recently, I have allowed myself to forget how important this is. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I often have to stop in my tracks, take a deep breath and remember what is truly important. It is understandable that we get busy and things come up. But the biggest mistake we can make is to be so consumed in pointless manoeuvres in contrast to experiencing the joys of life. This is how you can quite easily loose your sparkle.

Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return. ~Mary Jean Iron

Don't judge, just live, love and enjoy!

Well, all back at uni for a fresh new semester. There is always something exciting and fresh about a new semester. I think it's because I like to take every opportunity that is handed to me to create a fresh start in one way or another. With a new start comes new goals, opportunities, experiences, beliefs and declarations. I like to take every chance I have to improve in the moment as best I can. The past month or so has been rather eventful for me. I have finally made a great group of new friends at Uni who are much like me and are very similar in our appreciation for what we intend to further our studies in whilst attaining a great hunger to learn, our aspirations and ambitions are much the same and they are an enjoyable group of positive people who I love to surround myself with.
As well as loving the life of a student more and more, I have a rather busy few weeks ahead of me with other aspects of life's niceties. Next Saturday night is the Bond University Student Ball which is very exciting and I recently decided on a dress which is tres cutesy. Also, I have a number of events planned for my birthday celebrations which are coming up. I love that my birthday is placed in the Spring time. la la la. There are also a couple of birthday parties for my close friends to come.

I have recently discovered an appreciation for living life in its present moment. I have learned to do this from removing all forms of judgement from what I may be experiencing at a particular moment. In correspondence to allowing myself to believe that an experience is either good or bad, positive or negative, I merely acknowledge its being. Doing this I am able to understand that what exactly I am feeling in that particular moment is helpful in some way and serves a purpose of its own instead of contemplating how it should be, or what should be happening but isn't. Things don't always happen how they are suppose to, they aren't suppose to otherwise we wouldn't learn how to come with the wirly winds that life provides us. For me, this was incredibly hard to accept being a totally obnoxious control freak I held that everything was in my power if I allowed it to be based upon my persistence and levels of control, painfully so. This prophecy to me was, and still to some extent still is my ultimate reality and without it, everything would turn to utter chaos filled psychobabble. Ickkk. however, the process of adapting a more mindful state of mind is something that is important to me. This is more so allowing instead of resisting what is currently going on around you or for you.

Ways in which you can get more in touch with your thoughts and feelings lies in your behaviour. Take exercise as an excellent example. Your going for a long run around the country side. You have your Ipod pumping through your head, your thinking about a deadline you have tomorrow, your worrying, so much so that wrinkle are already forming. Suddenly, you trip over a rock and fell to the ground. Your cursing in your head, how did that happen, now the rest of my run will not be as effective ect. If instead of thinking about the past or the future, you were observing your beautiful, natural surroundings, possibly watching your feet as they hit the soft deep dirt, smelling the freshly cut grass, observing your surroundings for the natural magnificence it is then maybe, you would have noticed the large rock coming up in the middle of your tracks. Your behaviour and day to day activities is a perfect way to adapt a more adapting and mindful way of embracing the 'now', this moment. You will really notice the difference whilst just observing that around you and analysing its mere being, its presence, life. its yours, nobody else's appreciate it and love it.

Curiosity killed the cat

I have currently decided that I have some changes to make in my life. I always strive to achieve my goals as best I can and Im a firm believer in pushing yourself that extra mile to extend your limits. Which is is a trait I hold highly and think that everyone has the ability to extend their personal best in anything they do. We often surprise ourselves in that we can and will succeed much further then what we suspected. I see the world as a giant ball of glitter and we are given so many oppertunities in life and we would be practically insane not to take advantage of them! I think its imortant to see everything as you wish to, create your own reality no matter what anybody else tells my opinion, taking life too seriously is almost as sinful as gluttony or envy! nobody wants worry wrinkles at the prime of their life, even if you are into the whole cougar ideal. I have learned to never take myself or life too seriously; there are too many serious aspects to life that can obsorb our worries.

For instance, I take my work seriously, I take social and political matters seriously, I take sparkles seriously as well as animal rights. I do not however let a serious and sombre attitude decide how I will structure my life. There is too much fun to be had, I want to play, make sandcastles, be a princess, go on adventures with pirates, falling in love, have glitter fights and dance in a forest. there is plenty of time to be serious when your retired. You shouldn't care about what others have to say about you, having said that, I have further grasped the concept of a purpose driven life! There are still times I wish I would never grow up, in fact, I do in fact never want to become a grown up I wish I could run away with Peter pan and the lost boys and live forver in Neverland.

"To live a life of arete is to live a life worthy of congratulation- a life that is truly fulfilled- and thus to have become the best sort of person it is possible to be- almost divine."

Oh Olivia!

you are my style inspiration!

Find your guiding inspiration.

I have learned that we must accept our lives on the path which they are and come to terms with the fact we, ourselves only are in control of which path our lives will take. We are provided with endless choices, opportunities, setbacks and walls that effect what it is we decide, but inevitably, we must take hold of our own strengths and powers and use the gifts and talents we were given combined with the opportunities we have and push through the setbacks to appreciate that we only have this moment, not yesterday or tomorrow, not before or in an hour, this day, this minute, because if we let this minute pass us by, we may have lost an opportunity which may in fact put us on a different path. I believe that we create our own setbacks in life; it is understandable that incidences occur with are out of our control, I am in no way suggesting that we have the ability to control what happens to and around us; we do however control our attitude towards these particular incidences.

Our attitude is what drives us to further face our path or to deny its presence. Either way attitude is something which we should be conscious of when dealing with everyday occurrences. It is a power that we have ever ounce on authority over, we will feel as though our world is coming crashing down on us and nothing worse could happen; but it is how we approach each incident as a learning curve or an opportunity to grow emotionally and spiritually. We then discover our own drive and purpose and it is at that moment that we realize what a fabulous opportunity we are given as an individual; to live.There is no one path that will fulfil all of my and other's desires: there rarely is in this life I think, life is not black and white, it is a complex texture of infinite shades, colours and sparkles.

I was once told, “You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude to what happens toyou, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.” In this statement, we find a truth we had never yet questioned. We usually allow ourselves to be mastered by our emotions, actions or what may happen to us; but we never allow ourselves to be mastered by how we react to what is happening to us. If we focused on the moment we are currently living in instead of looking back into the past or where we are heading, we wouldn’t have to be anxious nor distressed. I was once advised that living in the moment (being mindful) is the key to balance. If we are permanently looking into our past, whether it be yesterday or last year, we are causing misery, worry or regret in turn creating a sense of depression. Looking forward, being concerned about our future and where it is that we are going is creating anxiety for ourselves. However, if we live in the present, we are enabling a mindful sense of control over our lives. Whether it be to merely observe a noise, smell or visual of something around you; the sound of a ticking clock for example, the smell of the grass after it has just rained, something that will remind you that you are in fact living in this particular moment. Perhaps that will give you a further sense of purpose and perspective. Allow yourself to experience the moment, however simple or challenging it may be and move through the experience without reacting to how you may be feeling. This usually works during the time when there is added confusion or doubt about where your path is taking you, or more so where you are taking it.

I have always feared that through time; I would lose my sparkle, that I would be changed in some way. But I then realize, we all change, it is just how we change and our attitude towards change.Change, such an imperative topic. We either love it or hate it or deny its presence. The less self assured one is, the less optimistic one is, then the greater the fear of change. Yet change is one thing that we can be sure will happen. If there was no change in the world, in life, it would cease to exist as life. Change will always happen. Time's arrow of increasing entropy lies before us stark and inescapable and all actions we take are but temporary attempts at local order. Some change will crush us to our knees in searing stabbing pain and deep dark despair; some will have us sobbing with ecstasy in pure perfect pleasure. The standard psycho babble talks much about change and the denial-anger-acceptance cycle. I am not sure I buy into that but I do know that I have learnt not to be afraid of change but to embrace it.

oh golly!

When I was younger, I used to collect snow globes. I loved the miniature worlds encased in the glass; each one a tiny reminder of how life is suppose to work. I'd shake each globe vigorously, place it on the table and watch as a tornado of snowflakes gently return to their resting place. When it comes to snowglobes, Chaos is temporary and something that has to be executed-if the golbe isnt shaken by someone, the snow will always rest at the bottom. A return to order always occurs. I used to think that my life would follow a similar set of properties; if i could just control, suppress, keep from stirring up chaos, everything would stay in a perfect equiibriom.
I awoke to sunshine and smiles this morning knowing that its a three day weekend to come. yay! Being the control friek that I am have created a plan of everything I intend to do through this long weekend; which includes a tanning session while doing my school work, prance off to the gym and spend sunday on the skis. I love the ocean, I think it may have something to do with my desire to be a mermaid through my childhood. My father always told me that I could be whatever I wanted to be. He never said that didnt include a mermaid or fairy. who is he to stop me? I never want to grow up....never, and I shouldn't have to. I refuse! there are some things I must put my foot down to. I want to be a bratty little child for as long as I can be, and I intend to. I want to believe in fairies, make daisy chains, fall over in dirt with a frilly dress, I want to climb trees. I want to do these things forever. But change is rather frightening. The thought of life as i know it completly changing scares me, but it's just another challenge to face. I believe that changes in our life give us perspective and keep us grounded, which is important.

However, in all seriousness, the coming weeks will be enticingly chaotic and busy!
With a fresh week of classes, I also have a number of appointments, events and meetings to attend. I am currently beginning my experience volunteering at a centre for children dealing will loss of a family member. I am quite looking foreword to working in this area of adolescent psychology. I am always open to new and exciting opportunities. I understand that the circumstances of the children are terrible, however, both myself and the children have the opportunity to learn from each other. It shall be interesting. With the coming weekend I have a few birthdays to attend as well as lots of time dedicated to my uni work. This weekend is over, so its time to get ready for the week ahead!

Un peu introduction!

Hello lovelies, i'm Demi,
I am originally form Sydney Australia and an currently living on the sunny Gold Coast. Im half English and half Australian. I am in my second year of studying psychology at university and would love to complete my PHD in either clinical or neuro psychology. I love to learn new things and am passionate about nutrition and psychological health, I also enjoy politics. But I am also as girly as one can fact, obnoxiously so.

I also love:
all things shiny and sparkely, dressing up for all occasions, facts, wearing heels with everything, playing croquet, my bunny, all things pink, being a blonde, pretty dresses, Champaign, barbie, bubble baths, my puppies, numbers, shopping and tanning. i believe that everything happends for a reason and that at some point Karma will catch up with you. i love nonsense, art and culture.

I hate:
ugly teeth, boring and serious people, nasty people, tongue piercings, being unorganised, people who dont believe in faries polution and global warming, animal cruelty, people who have roots in her hair, standing in very inpatient!