Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Just a little motivation (Your Body Is your temple)

I love to write bits and pieces when I am feeling motivated which I am hoping to turn all of my little pieces of work into a book for young women about their emotional and physical wellbeing and lifestyle. This is a little something I am currently working on.

When it comes to the value of one’s self; the connection between your mind, body and spirit is crucial. The way I see it is that your body is your temple, therefore, it should be treated with respect and reverence. This includes your diet and nutrition, exercise, skin care, sleep patterns, how your mind interacts as one with your body and the general upkeep and presentation of yourself. I believe that every woman, weather you are in your teens or preparing to retire, you are a princess, so it is important to treat yourself like one. It is important to treat your body with great significance on the inside but also the outside. In order to achieve the healthy balanced body you desire, it is important to acknowledge how you ‘feel’ about yourself and where you want to be. To achieve success in the things you want, you must recognize the little victories you achieve in you day to day life. Every ounce of positivity you embrace is a victory in itself. Thus, it is important to embrace then each individually in order for you to build up and move foreword in being the great success you were born to be. Each individual was put on this earth for a purpose, we all have a principle and a plan for which we must work through the ups and downs, which the hands of shall deal us which are in turn a test of our core strength and sense of inner power. Once each and every one of our tests are complete, we then move on to a realization that we are in fact bigger and better people for what we have embarked on through our personal journey of growth and personal realization. You will then see yourself for who and what you really are; a strong willed and comfortable in yourself.

Give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice- the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Romans 12:1-2-

A person’s diet can affect not only their body, but also how they behave and their emotions. When they say, “You are what you eat” whoever came up with that had a lot of insight into the analogy of diet and ones lifestyle. As I mentioned previously, its important to have balance; not only spiritually and mentally, but also physically. Your physical state allows you to grow and become the person you aim to be. Through my experience I adapted an organic gluten free diet. This was merely because organic raw foods contain their original nutrients with the maintained value of their vitamins whereas a gluten free diet aids with digestion, intestinal control and suppresses future health problems such as intestinal cancer. A gluten free diet is one that avoids all foods containing wheat, rye, barley and oats. A gluten free diet isn’t for everyone; for me it was a personal choice after a long personal battle with an eating disorder and anxiety for most of my young life. There came a point where I was at a head. I had to decide to choice life, the path God has planned for me. That despite how I may be feeling about myself, Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice for MY life, he did the same for yours. Some nutritional decisions require commitment based on the individuals decisions. I had come to understand the concept that much like the verse above, I needed to acknowledge that being anxious in ones skin isn’t the will of God. We were created to be proud of who we are, embrace all tour flaws and glorify in our purpose.

I wake up every morning to a cup of hot water with fresh lemon squeezed through it to detoxify the body and kick-start the metabolism. I think that’s something every person should adapt to. Your body needs to be looked after and flushed out every once and a while. The importance of a healthy, nutritious lifestyle is not taken seriously enough in today’s society. The epidemic of fast and unhealthy food is becoming more prominent and thus, socially acceptable. When we are in a race against time, we tend to do whatever it takes to win. This is not always the best approach. It usually ends up in settling for a burger or medium fries with a milkshake. Even when we opt for a healthier fast food option, such as a subway sandwich, we overlook the fact that just because a white bread sandwich crammed full with various meats, salad, cheese and sauce is still not all that healthy. When we look at it from an irrational point of view, we automatically assume we are eating “healthy”, but what we don’t understand is that white bread is not all that healthy, if it were a whole grain or wheat free bread, that would be a better alternative, however, most people are automatically prone to choose a full white bread, or Turkish bread based sandwich. White bread is high in GI carbohydrates. When you consume such high levels of GI, the carbohydrates cause sugars to be entered into the bloodstream at a significantly high speed. Moreover, there will be a sufficient raise in your blood sugar levels, could also increase levels of cholesterol and increase a person’s chances of attaining type 1 diabetes. What is often overlooked is the impact, which one’s mood or aptitude of an adaptive thought process. In turn, in my experience through learning to treat my body with the respect it deserves, I aim to attain the most balanced diet possible illustrating a belief in moderation as a key concept. Depriving the body of what it wants is merely the path to at some point giving in to our cravings and often loosing control of how much of an unhealthy option we are consuming. Moreover, if we just allow ourselves to have the things we want, we wouldn’t feel that overwhelming urge to inhale a family size block of chocolate.

When it comes down to exercise, I have learned to push myself in a healthy way to attain a level of physical fitness healthy for my body. Each person’s body is different individual to the person inside. Individuals require different kinds of physical activity to cater to their needs. For example, I like to focus on toning my body and maintaining an adequate muscle mass, so I tend to balance my cardio- weights ratio. I prefer to take part in physical activity, which I enjoy to keep me motivated and having fun whilst working out. I find that taking classes are the best way to maintain motivation as you are more likely too keep a solid pace and speed when surrounded by peers also taking the class and with loud music and instructions to go alongside you are much more likely to keep the blood pumping and continue to learn from each other and push each other in a healthy yet competitive way. Another way to get the most out of your physical activity is to exercise outdoors. For example a long run on the beach or riding a mountain bike on a balanced incline road. If you prefer to stick to working out at the gym, a good way to get the best out of your routine is to mix it up between boxing gloves, bands, resistor balls or medicine balls. To maintain a balanced exercise routine, its best to work out 3-4 times a week at minimum for about 75 minutes a day. This includes a solid 15 minute stretch divided before and after your chosen workout.

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