Monday, October 10, 2011

ten things about me

1. My lucky numbers are 3 and 13, which is a rather odd fact considering they are quite unlucky to most people and bring with then a negative reputation for bad things happening i.e Friday the 13th ect.

2. Im a Glee addict, can’t get enough of it!

3. I’m incredibly anal and perfectionistic especially when it comes to academics. I cannot wait to complete my PHD and continue to work in the field of psychology. I love to learn and thrive of stimulating my mind with new things.

4. My biggest fear is that I will somehow turn into the person I always said I wouldn’t. I want to forever be comfortable in my own skin and never be ashamed if who I am or who I am becoming. I will forever love fairies, sparkles, make believe, curiosity and tea parties. I have always feared that through time; I would lose my sparkle, that I would be changed in some way.

5. I’m a firm believer in ‘Value’; the value of yourself, others and your surroundings. I believe that a girl should see herself and the world around her as nothing less than one giant sparkle. The right to invent our own reality to fit every desire is our given. Each individual has expectations as to how they want their life to exude and with that, we then decide what it is exactly we value. courage and self-belief need to be nurtured.

6. I believe that your body is your temple. When it comes to the value of one’s self; the connection between your mind, body and spirit is crucial. The way I see it is that your body is your temple, the form in which your spirit dwells, therefore, it should be treated with respect and reverence. This includes your diet and nutrition, exercise, skin care, sleep patterns, how your mind interacts as one with your body and the general upkeep and presentation of yourself.

7. “You should live everyday like its your birthday” prophesy! its every gir’s right. to enjoy each day and embrace life to its full capacity!!! its too much fun to be boring, or even bored for that matter! i also believe that every girl should prace around like a princess in frilly cute dresses and wear heels with everything everywhere and cover themselves in sparkles from head to toe just because its glittery.

8. The best piece of advice I have ever been given: “I can, I have and I will”.

9. My favourite animals are elephants and Bunny rabbits.

10. Im a strong Christian and believe We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!

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