Thursday, February 24, 2011

life as we know it

life as we know it won't last forever, immortality is a part of life, in every aspect. I have learnt to appreciate each moment as it approaches individually. Usually the thought of inconsistancy and change alters anxiety and worry. However, as this year progresses, I am vastly adapting to an assortment of changes and alterations in life. With allowing the extra anxiety of not knowing, we are unconsciously opening new doors for ourselves. If I didn't allow for these changes, I wouldn't have the opportunities I currently have or be surrounded by the wonderful people I surround myself with everyday!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

An eventful evening.

Today was such a beautiful day, it was so warm outside, perfect tanning weather, I sat outside in the early AM and made lecture notes out in the sun. After which, I had a training day at an organisation called paradise kids where I am doing some work experience working with children suffering grief and loss. It shall be rather interesting. The rest of the day was taken up by a brisk walk through the mountain and text book reading. A quite productive day. Last night was a charity event which my parents were sponsoring for Jamie Myer productions. It was an eventful evening.
Other then a night out in the city, I have recently discovered that my room is inhabited by a huge spider. Im not a huge spider fan, or a fan of anything with more legs then me at that (other than my dog moo), so I spent the evening in the guest bedroom directly opposite mine. I couldn't fathom sharing my bedroom with a spider for the night. So off I went, packed up my things and tra la la off to the spare room. Expecting the intruder to have scurried off the next day, i was rudely mistaken. The spider has migrated to my bathroom above my mirror. I decided to be a bigger person and make peace with my new found spider friend, he is welcome to leave when he pleases. I feel I have matured a lot in regards to this situation.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Valentines day is creeping up. Weather or not you have a valentine, this holiday should me awaited and celebrated with utter splendour. It is only once a year that we get to dedicate an entire day to celebrating the act of love. It may be love to your significant other, your family, friends, your pet or even yourself. We all have love in our lives somewhere. I believe it's important for us all to feel love and love in return, as love is an act that is completely irreplaceable. Without love, we would know no kindness or learn how to yearn towards another being. Despite valentine's day, this coming week is rather chaotic in terms of my uni work load. I have multiple presentations to prepare as well as various lab reports and mid semester exams to prepare for. la di da. So there is lots going on and quite hectic. However, business keeps my mind going at a comfortable level for me. I like being busy and continually on task with various things. It makes me feel somewhat productive. And productivity is imperative.