Saturday, March 19, 2011

Feeling Fancy.

It is this time of year that I drift away from gold and bronzed tones, especially my jewellery and sway towards silvers and crystals. Im rather looking foreword to the weather to cool down! This means obnoxious coasts, hats with matching scarves and mittens and fabulous boots. Not only does winter have a certain changes in fashion, but it also has a very distinct smell and feel. Its like a rainy day and christmas all at once. The beauty of living in Queensland is that it can feel like christmas even when it isn't. For us, Christmas appears on the hottest day of the year, so it is usually spend by the pool or on a boat. Which is great, so we compensate a hot christmas for the brisk weather in the moths coming from April/May. My favourite part of the cooler weather is drinking far too much hot chocolate and curling up to a good book with a wooly blanket. Embracing winter!

Everyone needs a little Sparkle !

There is nothing I love more then sparkles and nothing says sparkles and pretty ensembles much like Alannah Hill. So last weekend I finally wore my sparkly bodes black and white Alannah Hill dress I have had tucked away for a while. It was for an 18th birthday party for a family friend. I just love birthdays, I tend to enjoy celebrating other people's birthdays much more then my own. Any excuse for a celebration!